OFFSHORECORPSERVE.COM is a professional document filing service specializing in forming business entities, in several jurisdictions.
OFFSHORECORPSERVE.COM and its employees are not attorneys or accountants, and we do not provide legal or financial advice.
OFFSHORECORPSERVE.COM is not acting as your attorney and no attorney-client relationship is being created by your use of our services. You are making independent decisions based on general information that we are providing to you throughout our website and printed materials.
OFFSHORECORPSERVE.COM cannot guarantee the accuracy of the legal information, pricing, and related materials provided to you on this website as well as other related materials.
OFFSHORECORPSERVE.COM will review your application for accuracy, spelling, grammar and consistency but at no time will OFFSHORECORPSERVE.COM review your application for its legal sufficiency or apply the law to the facts of your specific situation.
These descriptions are merely summaries of some of the principal features of the typical forms of international business entities, that we form for our clients. They are not complete descriptions of all material aspects of all available international business entities. They are provided for informational purposes only and are not and should not be construed as legal advice. If you wish to ask for legal advice about how international business law may apply to your specific situation, you should consult your attorney.
These descriptions are merely summaries of some of the principal features of the typical forms of international business entities, that we form for our clients. They are not complete descriptions of all material aspects of all available international business entities. They are provided for informational purposes only and are not and should not be construed as legal advice. If you wish to ask for legal advice about how international business law may apply to your specific situation, you should consult your attorney.